Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mixed Media Art with May Birthstone Theme

Every time I hear the word emerald, first thing that comes to my mind is "Emerald City", from the Wizard of Oz: a city where everything is emerald green: from food to people. It is revealed at the end of the story that everything in the city is normal colored, but the glasses everyone wears are emerald tinted.

Here are some of my mixed media picks for this month... beautiful emeralds...

1. Original Mixed Media Collage -Subtle Persuasion-- JessicaTorrant
2. Paper Mache Chubby Little House Number 140 --Fishstikks
3. TumblingOriginal Mized Media Collage Painting --SarahJohnAfana
4. Frost in the Evergreens--aliherrman

by Paperinstyle


  1. What a wonderful post and some quite lovely emerald green picks.

    I love the idea of everyone wearing emerald green tinted glasses.

    Thank you for using my little green house as well, it is a delight!

  2. Thanks so much for including my painting in this beautiful collection!

  3. I actually have green tinted and rimmed makes the world a little greener to my eyes.

  4. What a sweet reference. Thank you so much for giving my collage a little extra attention.
